Publications CV Deborah Shaw


1998   King’s College, University of London, PhD in Hispanic Literature: Thesis Fragmented Identities: Contemporary Mexican Women's Writing.

1989    Leeds University, MA Spanish & Latin American Literature. 

1987   Portsmouth Polytechnic, BA Hons. Spanish Studies - Upper second class.


2019 – Professor in Film and Screen Studies, School of Film Media and Communication, University of Portsmouth

2018 - Joint Faculty REF lead for UoA 33 Music, dance, performing Arts, Film and Screen Studies

2014 -2016 - Associate Dean, Research in the Faculty of CCI (Creative and Cultural Industries)

2007 - Reader in Film Studies, School of Creative Arts, Film and Media, University of Portsmouth

2004- 2007 - Senior Lecturer in Film Studies, School of Creative Arts, Film and Media, University of Portsmouth

1989 – 2004 - Lecturer in Hispanic Studies, School of Languages and Area Studies, University of Portsmouth


1989 - Lecturer in Spanish and Latin American Studies (literature and film, Spanish language and translation) 

2002 - Co-created the Film Studies degree

Previous coordinated modules include: 

Gender, Sexuality and Cinema in the Hispanic World

Cinema and Nation

Cinema and Memory

Current teaching:

Gender, Sexuality and Cinema

World and Transnational Cinema

Global Cinema 

MA Media Contexts 

2007 – 2014 MA Film and Television Course Leader.

Module Coordinator for Representing Otherness in Film and Television, and Research Methods.  

2017 Student Nominations for Learning and Teaching Awards at the University of Portsmouth in the category ‘Overall Impact and Best Personal Tutor’ 


Latin American culture 

The work of Guillermo del Toro, Alejandro Iñárritu and Alfonso Cuarón

European film funding and transnational art cinema

Film and migration

Latin Americans and Latinos in US cinema

Theories of transnational and world cinema

Gender film and television 


Monographs and Edited Books

2021 - Sense8: Transcending Television, co-edited book with Professor Rob Stone (Bloomsbury publishers) 

2020 Transnational Screens: Expanding the Borders of Transnational Cinema. London and New York:  Routledge, co-edited with Armida de la Garza and Ruth Doughty

2017 - Latin American Women Filmmakers: Production, Politics, Poetics, co-edited with Deborah Martin for the World Cinema Series at I.B.Tauris

2014 - The Transnational Fantasies of Guillermo del Toro. Palgrave Macmillan, co-edited with Ann Davies and Dolores Tierney

2013  - The Three Amigos: The Transnational Films of Guillermo del Toro, Alejandro González Iñárritu, and Alfonso Cuarón. Manchester: Manchester University Press

2008  - Film: The Essential Study Guide. London and New York:  Routledge, co-edited with Ruth Doughty

2007  - Edited book. Contemporary Latin American Cinema: Breaking into the Global Market. Lanham, Md: Rowman and Littlefield. 

2003 - Contemporary Latin American Cinema: Ten Key Films. London and New York: Continuum Publishers.


2023 A Tale of Two Feminisms: Gender Critical Feminism, Trans inclusive Feminism and the Case of Kathleen Stock, Women's History Review; ARTICLE DOI: 10.1080/09612025.2022.2147915

2021 The Right to Rights and Central American/Mexican Migration Films: Reading Sin nombre (Fukunaga 2009) and La jaula de oro/The Golden Dream (Quemada-Díez 2013) with political theory, Studies in Spanish & Latin American Cinemas, Volume 18, Issue 3, pp. 277 – 295:

2021 Whose film is it anyway? The battle over auteur status between Alejandro González Iñárritu and Guillermo Arriaga, Studies in Spanish and Latin American Cinemas.  18.1. pp. 19-36

2021 (co-authored with Deborah Martin) Chilean and Transnational Performances of Disobedience: LasTesis and the Phenomenon of ‘Un violador en tu camino’, Bulletin of Latin American Research; Volume 40, Issue 5, pp. 712- 729

2021 (co-authored with Rob Stone) Sense8 and Sensibility, or
How it Became Necessary to Queer the World in Order to Save it, Jump Cut: A Review of Contemporary Media, 60 (Spring 2021).

2019 With Ruth Doughty and Armida de la Garza, EDITORIAL, From transnational cinemas to transnational screens Transnational Screens 10.1 i-vi

2018   Serving the Master Text, Rethinking Digital Paratexts in the Social Issue Film: Who is Dayani Cristal? (Marc Silver, 2013). Screen. DOI 10.1093/screen/hjy028

2016 European Co-Production Funds and Latin American Cinema: Processes of Othering and Bourgeois Cinephilia in Claudia Llosa's La teta asustada 62(1). Diogène, Sage Publishing, 1-13 (translated from the French article).

2014 Fonds de Financement Européens et Cinéma Latino-américain

Altérisation et Cinéphilie Bourgeoise dans La teta asustada de Claudia Llosa; Diogène: Revue internationale des sciences humaines, 125-141.

2013  Sex, Texts and Money, Funding and Latin American Queer Cinema: the cases of Martel’s La niña santa and Puenzo’s XXY. In “Latin American Cinemas Today: Reframing the National” Special issue of Transnational Cinemas, 4.2, 165-184 (guest co-editors: Sarah Barrow and Tamara L. Falicov).

2012 Migrant Identities in Film: Sin Nombre and migration films from Mexico and Central America to the United States, Crossings: Journal of Migration and Culture, 3, 12, 227-240.

2011 (Trans)National Images and Cinematic Spaces: the cases of Alfonso 

Cuarón’s Y tu mamá también (2001) and Carlos Reygadas’ Japón (2002), in Iberoamericana, no. 44, año ix, 117-140.

2011 Babel and the Global Hollywood Gaze, in Situations: Project of the 

Radical Imagination 4(1), 11-31

2010 Transforming the National Body: Salma Hayek and Frida. Quarterly 

Review of Film and Video, 27(4), 299 – 313.

2007 Robert Rodriguez’s Mexicans in Once Upon a Time in Mexico.

Reconstruction: Studies in Contemporary Culture, 7(3). Online journal.

2007 Blow: How a Film Created a Hero From a Top-level Drug Trafficker and Blamed the 'Colombians' For His Downfall. Quarterly Review of Film and Video, 24 (1), 31-40.

2005 ‘You Are Alright But…’: Individual and Collective Representations of 

Mexicans, Latinos, Anglo-Americans and African-Americans in Traffic. 

Quarterly Review of Film and Video, 22(3), 211-224. Reprinted in J. Codell 

(Ed.), Genre, Gender, Race, and World Cinema:  An Anthology (pp. 342-358). 

Chichester/Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2007.

2005 Anti-Semitism and Misrepresentations of Survival Guilt in Juan Carlos 

Fresnadillo’s Intacto. The Bulletin of Spanish Studies, 8 (5), 671-683. 

2004 The Figure of the Absent Father in Recent Latin American Films. Studies in 

Hispanic Cinemas, 1(2), 85-102.

2002- Heroes, Villains and Women: Representations of Latin America in The Voyage by Fernando Solanas. The Bulletin of Latin American Research, 21(4), 473-489.

2001 Men in High Heels: the Feminine Man and Performances of Femininity in 

Tacones Lejanos by Pedro Almodóvar. Journal of Iberian and Latin American 

Studies, 6(1), 55-62.

1999 Las Posibilidades de la Escritura Femenina: La Insólita Historia de la Santa de 

Cabora de Brianda Domecq. Literatura Mexicana, 10(1-2), 281-312.

1999 The Literary Journalism of Guadalupe Loaeza and Cristina Pacheco. The Bulletin of Latin American Research, 18(4), 437-450.

1996  Jesusa Palancares as Individual Subject in Elena Poniatowska’s Hasta no verte 

Jesús mio. The Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 73 (Liverpool, April), 191-204. 

Translated into Spanish and reprinted in Nora Erro Peralta y Magdalena Maiz 

Peña (eds.), Elena Poniatowska ante la crítica, Ediciones Era, 2012.

1996  Erotic or Political: Literary Representations of Mexican Lesbians. Travesía: The Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies, 5(1), 51-63.

1995 Gender and Class Relations in Elena Poniatowska’s De noche vienes. The 

Bulletin of Hispanic Studies,72 (Liverpool, January), 111-121.

1994  with Rollet B. Como agua para chocolate: Some Reasons for its Success.

Travesía: The Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies, 3(1.2), 82-92.


2022 ‘El cine latinoamericano: financiación, festivales, debates y estética’ (Latin American cinema: funding, festivals, debates and aesthetics’, in Cine global, televisión transnacional y literatura universal, Matthias Hausmann  and Jörg  Türschmann (Eds.), Frankfurt: Peter Lang.

2018 ‘Cómo estudiar el cine de mujeres iberoamericanas: un manifiesto’ (Approaches to Studying Ibero-American Women’s Filmmaking: a manifesto). Scholz, Annette, Álvarez, Marta, Cineastas emergentes. Madrid/Frankfurt: Iberoamericana/Verwuert. 

2017 ‘Transnational Cinemas: Mapping a field of study’- for the Routledge Companion to World Cinema, edited by Rob Stone, Paul Cooke, Stephanie Dennison & Alex Marlow-Mann, 2017

2017 ‘Intimacy and Distance: Domestic Servants in Latin American Women’s Cinema: La mujer sin cabeza/The Headless Woman (Martel, 2008) and El niño pez/The Fish Child (Puenzo, 2009) in Martin and Shaw (2017) 

2016 ‘Directoras latinoamericanas, el cine queer y las coproducciones europeas’, in Nuevas perspectivas sobre la transnacionalidad del cine hispánico, Lefere, Robin & Nadia Lie (eds). Leiden: Brill 

2016 ‘The Mexican Romantic Sex comedy: The Emergence of Mexican Middlebrow Filmmaking in the 1990s’, in Middlebrow Cinema Faulkner, Sally (ed), (Routledge). 

2016  with Ruth Doughty. Teaching the 'World' Through Film. ' Teaching Transnational Cinema and Media: Politics and Pedagogy, Bennett, Bruce & Marciniak, Katarzyna (ed).  Routledge, AFI Film Readers.

2013- ‘Deconstructing and Reconstructing ‘Transnational Cinema’, in 

Dennison, Stephanie (ed). Contemporary Hispanic Cinema: Interrogating Transnationalism in Spanish and Latin American Film. Woodbridge: Tamesis.

2012  Re-making Frida Kahlo through Music in Frida, in Shaw, Lisa & Stone, Rob (eds). Screening Songs in Hispanic and Lusophone Cinema . Manchester: Manchester University Press.

2007 Playing Hollywood at its Own Game? Bielinsky’s Nine Queens (2007), in 

Shaw, Deborah (ed). Contemporary Latin American Cinema: Breaking into the Global Market. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield. 

2007 Latin American Cinema Today: a Qualified Success Story, in Shaw, Deborah (ed). Contemporary Latin American Cinema: Breaking into the Global Market 

10). Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield.


2019 ‘Living undocumented: A new Netflix series that gives a human face to immigrant stories’, Mediático

2018 A short peer reviewed blog essay on Alfonso Cuarón's Roma in a special dossier on the film Roma with entries by leading Mexican, US and UK Latin American film scholars (that has been widely circulated): ‘Children of Women: Cuarón’s love letter to his nana

2017 ‘Latin American Women’s Filmmaking: A Manifesto’, published by Mediático, a Hispanic film blog published by the University of Sussex

2016 ‘Falling into the Embrace of the Serpent’, published by Mediático, a Hispanic film blog published by the University of Sussex

2015 Blog published by the project MECETES: Mediating Cultural Encounters 

through European Screens -

2014   Blog published by Mediático, a Hispanic film blog published by the University of Sussex, ‘The International Film Festival Rotterdam: Focus on Latin America. 

2010 with de la Garza, A. Editorial: Introducing Transnational CinemasTransnational Cinemas, 1(1), 3-6.


2023 Making Accented Indigenous Transnational Community Cinema: Tiempo de Lluvia/In Times of Rain by Itandehui Jansen in  Blackmore, Ernie, Knopf, Kerstin, and Wendy Pearson, eds. First Takes: Indigenous Films in North America.


2023  - ‘Al servicio del texto maestro: repensando los paratextos digitales en la película de clave social ¿Quién es Dayani Cristal? (Marc Silver, 2013)’, in Cerdán, Josetxo & Fernández Labayen, Miguel (eds., ). Imaginarios Digitales del Sur: Historias de pertenencia y desarraigo. Frankfurt: Peter Lang.


March 2019 - Keynote speaker at the Focus on Latin American Women’s filmmaking Cine-Lit conference and the Portland international film Festival at the University of Oregon.

May 2018 - Keynote speaker and special guest for the 13TH Postgraduate Film Studies Conference, at the University of St Andrews, Scotland.

September 2017 - Keynote lecture, ‘Latin American Women’s Filmmaking: A Collaborative Project’ at the Latin American Women’s Filmmaking Conference held in Senate House, University of London, organized by the Institute for Latin American Studies and the Institute for Modern Languages Research; launch of Latin American Women Filmmakers: Production, Politics, Poetics (I.B.Tauris), co-edited with Deborah Martin.

June 2017 - Keynote lecture, ‘Recent Latin American Cinema: Beyond the Festival Film’ for the conference ‘Estéticas hispánicas globales. Literatura, cine y televisión’  at the University of Vienna.

April 2017 - international visiting scholar (University of Houston); Hispanic Studies. 

November 2016 - Keynote lecture, Maynooth University, Ireland, , ‘Central American/Mexican Migration Films and Human Rights: Reading Sin nombre and La jaula de oro/The Golden Dream With Political Theory’, Cine Americano: US and Latin American Cinema Conference

September 2016 – Keynote lecture, De Montfort University, ‘Transnational Cinema: Notes on a Developing Field of Study’, Transnational Screens Conference: Volatility and Compounding Transnational Traffic.

September 2014 - Keynote speaker/Conferencia magistral, Medellín, Colombia. ‘El cine nacional/transnacional Latinoamericano: un panorama del campo actual’,  Cine Latinoamericano: entre lo local, lo nacional y lo transnacional

October 2012 – keynote speaker,  ‘“La emergencia de directoras latinoamericanas transnacionales: texto, sexo y dinero” for the symposium, 'Nuevas perspectivas sobre la dimensión transnacional del cine hispánico’ (New perspectives on the transnational in Hispanic cinema), held at Leuven University in Belgium.


2016 - School Postgraduate Research Degrees Coordinator 

2016 - MRes Course Leader for the Faculty

2007 – 2014 Course Leader and Admissions Tutor for the MA in Film and Television Studies 

2012 – 2013 Erasmus programme co-ordinator for the School 

2003 – 2006 Film Studies Course Leader 

1991 – 2002 Coordination language programmes in the School of Languages and Area Studies, and (for 3 years) Admissions Tutor for the Hispanic Section.


2022 - Chair of Faculty of CCI Workload planning task and finish group 

2020 Jan – Research Lead for School of Film , Media and Communication

2016 - Convenor (with Rajinder Dudrah) of the Transnational Film and Television Studies Special Interest Group for BAFTSS (British Association for Film, Television and Screen Studies)

2014 - Research mentor to staff members in the school

2012 - 2013  Co-organised School postgraduate conference (May 2012 and May 2013 

2007 - Organiser of the CCCR staff research seminars

2008 - 2014 School representative for the Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI) Faculty Research and Knowledge Transfer Committee 

2007-2009 Postgraduate Tutor for the School of Creative Arts, Film and Media, and School representative for the Cultural and Creative Industries Research Degrees Committee 


2010 – present - Founding co-editor of Transnational Cinemas (Intellect Journals) From 2014 Routledge Journal; changed name to Transnational Screens in 2019

2008-2010 - Co-editor of Studies in Hispanic Cinemas.


2017- 2021 3rd extension to the AHRC Peer Review College membership in the Academic category (term commenced in 2010)

2013- Member of University of Portsmouth’s Peer Review College

Peer reviews for the following councils and bodies: 

  • AHRC- various schemes

  • British Academy UK Latin America and Caribbean link programme

  • British Academy International Partnership and Mobility Scheme 

  • ESCR – various schemes

  • Leverhulme Visiting Professorship Scheme 

  • Leverhulme prize in the performing and visual arts 

  • The FWO, an independent Belgian funding agency

  • The Swiss National Science Foundation 

  • The Danish Council for Independent Research | Humanities for a DFF-MOBILEX mobility grant

  • The Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies, the FRIAS COFUND Fellowship Programme.


Articles reviewed for publication for the following journals: Alphaville; The Bulletin of Hispanic Studies; Journal of Intercultural Studies; Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies; New Cinemas and the Latin American Research Review; Studies in Hispanic Cinemas; Hispanic Research Journal; Studies in Musical Theatre, Screen Social Identities: Journal for the Study of Race, Nation and Culture; Transnational Cinemas; Working USA: The Journal of Labor and Society (WUSA); Cogent, Arts and Humanities Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies - Taiwan Normal University.

Book proposals reviewed for Palgrave Macmillan, and Routledge, and journal proposal reviewed for Routledge.


I have given many interviews in the international new media, and been widely cited as a result of my book on Guillermo del Toro, Alejandro González Iñárritu, and Alfonso Cuarón, and of the directors’ success at the Academy Awards.  These news outlets include BBC Mundo; La Jornada (Mexico), La Capital (Argentina); El Digital de Asturias (Spain), Mainichi (Japan); WZ, NTV, Frankfurt News (Germany) The Economist (UK). 

May 2018 - I featured on a news programme on del Toro, Iñárritu, and Cuarón, ‘Los tres amigos: ¿Cómo se convirtieron Cuarón, Del Toro e Iñárritu en los mejores de Hollywood?’ on Spanish language TV, Efecto Naim broadcast on NTN24 – (40 million viewers). The interview largely shaped the content of the programme. The show is distributed worldwide through several digital platforms, including The Atlantic, El País (Spain), and La Tercera (Chile). 

15  articles published in The Conversation and republished in The Independent, The New Zealand Herald, Newsweek, SBS, Pink News, Tranzgendr, The Huffington Post,, Mexico News Daily,

Can cinema survive in a golden age of serial TV?

August 28 2019

#MeToo in Mexico: women finding their voice as campaign gathers force April 9 2019 

‘Alfonso Cuarón’s Venice Golden Lion: Triumph for Roma Highlights Innovative New Netflix Approach’, September 11th 2018,; republished in Mexico News Daily

Hundreds of Mexican politicians have died in the run up to the election – but cultural leaders are fighting back’, 29 June 2018,, republished in

‘Oscars 2018: another Mexican triumph as awards move towards diversity’, co-authored with Dolores Tierney, March 2018,

‘Why It’s So Important that Hollywood’s Powerful Women are Standing Up For All Female Workers’,

‘How Frida Kahlo Became a Trinket for a Conservative Leader’, published 6th October, 2017,; republished in The Independent.

‘The Return of The L Word Representing Lesbian Desire On Screen in a New Era’, published 31st July, 2017,; republished in SBS News

 ‘How Orange is the New Black raised the Bar behind Bars, co-authored with Prof Rob Stone’, 9th June, 2017,

‘Sense8 and Sensibility: How a TV Series is Transcending Geographical and Gender Borders’, 25th May 2017,; reprinted in Pink News

‘Films you should watch to counter anti-migrant rhetoric’, article for The Conversation, 2nd February, 2017, republished by The Independent and Newsweek


Radio interview on ABC Australia radio interview to discuss Sense8, broadcast: Sat 22 Jul 2017

Radio appearances on the BBC World Service:

My Perfect Country 21st Feb 2018 – Invited respondent 

‘World Have Your Say’:  24th June 2016 to discuss Brexit ‘What Next for the UK?’; and subsequently interviewed for the programme ‘Theresa May ‘New British Prime Minister’, 11th July, 2016.

BBC World Service ‘Over To You’, Regular invited contributor


Near native level Spanish

Fluent French 

Intermediate comprehension level Italian and Greek